Don't forget Early Release tomorrow at Noon!
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Early Release October 2
Did you know you can report your student's absence using the MISD app on your phone? Just access your child's school by clicking on the orange button at top right. Select the school, then swipe to the right for a list of options. ABSENCE NOTICE is at the bottom of the page.
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
More Disney!
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Disney Day at the Middle School. Check out these fun photos!
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Yearbook students are learning about elements of design and what makes a good yearbook spread. During today's "Delicious Design Challenge", they arranged yummy treats to explore designs concepts such as balance, contrast, proportion, and white space.
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Yearbook Design Challenge
Yearbook Design Challenge 2
This Friday is HOMECOMING! School will release early at 12:00 Noon. There will be a Homecoming parade downtown @ 3 PM. Please be aware of COVID-19 PARADE RESTRICTIONS: No Candy thrown from floats * NO stopping of parade at ANY POINT * NO gatherings of more than 10 people.
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Early Release October 2
Student-led conferences will be held Monday, October 19th. Please watch for information from your student's Buzz teacher regarding the schedule times.
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Student Led Conferences
We are excited about dress up days for homecoming week!! Parents, please be mindful of appropriate dress on Monday's pajama day. No slippers allowed as they are slippery and the floors will make them dirty. Have a great weekend!!! Go Yellow Jackets!!!!
about 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Next week is Homecoming Week! MMS Homecoming Pep Rally will be Thursday, Oct. 1st, at noon at Meredith Memorial Stadium. Middle School will not attend the High School Pep Rally due to social distancing concerns. Everyone will have an opportunity to show their school spirit by participating in themed dress up days throughout the week. Monday, 9/28 - "Pajamas Day": Dress comfortably, but modestly. Tuesday, 9/29 - "Flashback Day": Wear your neon colors. Wednesday, 9/30 - "Squad Day": Get with your friends and dress up around a central theme. Thursday, 10/1 - "Disney Day": Dress as your favorite Disney character. Friday, 10/2 - "ORANGE OUT"!!
about 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Congratulations to our 6th Grade Students of the Month! Hunter Ballard and Payton Applegate
about 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
Preparing and testing lunar landers in 7th grade science!
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Lunar Landers
On Wednesday, October 28, we will be giving the PSAT 8/9 test on our campus. The cost is $13.00 and is available to 8th grade students. The PSAT 8/9 allows students to practice and prepare for the SAT. It gives them an opportunity to work on timed tests since they tend to struggle with the time constraints of the SAT and ACT. In addition, the PSAT corresponds directly to the SAT, and with the results, you will receive information on how to continue to prepare for the SAT based on your student’s scores. If you would like for your son or daughter to take the PSAT 8/9, please have him or her come by the counselor’s office to sign up by Oct 21. Please make checks payable to Mineola Middle School. Space is limited, so students should sign up soon. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Dudley at 903-569-5338.
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Reviewing integer operations with Clevertouch interactive board in Mrs. Overall’s 7th grade class.
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
This is how we Sonic! Thank you Sonic for thinking of our staff as we begin our new school year!
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, and news updates. It’s everything Mineola ISD, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Mineola ISD
Did you know you can report your student's absence online? Just navigate to "Students and Families" and click "Absence Notices" under Quick Links: Middle School.
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Mineola ISD
Mineola's New App
For PE this year we are having the students bring their own appropriate workout clothes. Please no tank tops, sleeveless, or cutoffs. Short sleeve shirts and appropriate length shorts are required. Student's clothing should still be within the dress code. It is also important that they bring clean clothes everyday. Remember being clean and staying clean will be the key for our schools moving forward successfully.
over 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Virtual Students - If you are having trouble joining a class, please e-mail Mrs. Baker at You may also call (903) 569-5338, ext. 4001.
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Welcome Back to School! Dear Students, We want you to know, first, that we have MISSED YOU! This is going to be a year like no other, but we are up to the challenge. Our staff has been working hard to welcome you back, whether in person or virtually. If you are attending in person, your teachers will give you directions on how to access their Google Classrooms on the first day of school. If you are a virtual learner, there are several things you need to know in order to get started: 1. Watch for e-mail communications from the school and/or your teachers. 2. Find the e-mail called “JOIN CODES” to find the Google Classroom Join Codes for each of your teachers’ Google Classrooms. Note that some teachers have created a class just for their virtual learners. Please check your schedule to make sure you are joining the right class. PARENTS, please do not join your child’s Google Classroom. Instead, ask the teacher for parent access. 3. Make sure to complete your INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT for each class period in Google Classroom on the first day of school BEFORE NOON in order to be counted present. Any student who does not make contact with their teachers in Google Classroom will be unenrolled from school and will need to register again. 4. Paper packets for virtual learners will be available for pick up this Friday, August 14th and will be available every Friday in the Newspaper Stands in front of the school by 4:00 p.m. 5. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Mrs. Baker at (903) 569-4001.
over 4 years ago, Donna Baker