Remote Instruction at Mineola Independent School District Please read the updated Remote Instruction Information from our Superintendent.
almost 4 years ago, Mineola ISD
Remote Instruction Update
Reminder: Student-led conferences will be held Monday, October 19th. Please watch for information from your student's Buzz teacher regarding the schedule times.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Student Led Conferences
Robotics students are practicing driving their robots while preparing for a lesson on torque and speed.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Robotics Driving
#HoCo 2020
almost 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Homecoming Activities!
Homecoming Activities!
Homecoming Activities!
Homecoming Activities!
Great wins last night!! Way to go Yellow Jackets!!
almost 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Homecoming Activities!
Adding integers in 6th Grade Math!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Adding Integers
Don't forget Early Release tomorrow at Noon!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Early Release October 2
Did you know you can report your student's absence using the MISD app on your phone? Just access your child's school by clicking on the orange button at top right. Select the school, then swipe to the right for a list of options. ABSENCE NOTICE is at the bottom of the page.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
More Disney!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Disney Day at the Middle School. Check out these fun photos!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Yearbook students are learning about elements of design and what makes a good yearbook spread. During today's "Delicious Design Challenge", they arranged yummy treats to explore designs concepts such as balance, contrast, proportion, and white space.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Yearbook Design Challenge
Yearbook Design Challenge 2
This Friday is HOMECOMING! School will release early at 12:00 Noon. There will be a Homecoming parade downtown @ 3 PM. Please be aware of COVID-19 PARADE RESTRICTIONS: No Candy thrown from floats * NO stopping of parade at ANY POINT * NO gatherings of more than 10 people.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Early Release October 2
Student-led conferences will be held Monday, October 19th. Please watch for information from your student's Buzz teacher regarding the schedule times.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Student Led Conferences
We are excited about dress up days for homecoming week!! Parents, please be mindful of appropriate dress on Monday's pajama day. No slippers allowed as they are slippery and the floors will make them dirty. Have a great weekend!!! Go Yellow Jackets!!!!
almost 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Next week is Homecoming Week! MMS Homecoming Pep Rally will be Thursday, Oct. 1st, at noon at Meredith Memorial Stadium. Middle School will not attend the High School Pep Rally due to social distancing concerns. Everyone will have an opportunity to show their school spirit by participating in themed dress up days throughout the week. Monday, 9/28 - "Pajamas Day": Dress comfortably, but modestly. Tuesday, 9/29 - "Flashback Day": Wear your neon colors. Wednesday, 9/30 - "Squad Day": Get with your friends and dress up around a central theme. Thursday, 10/1 - "Disney Day": Dress as your favorite Disney character. Friday, 10/2 - "ORANGE OUT"!!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Congratulations to our 6th Grade Students of the Month! Hunter Ballard and Payton Applegate
almost 4 years ago, Kendall Gould
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
Preparing and testing lunar landers in 7th grade science!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Lunar Landers
On Wednesday, October 28, we will be giving the PSAT 8/9 test on our campus. The cost is $13.00 and is available to 8th grade students. The PSAT 8/9 allows students to practice and prepare for the SAT. It gives them an opportunity to work on timed tests since they tend to struggle with the time constraints of the SAT and ACT. In addition, the PSAT corresponds directly to the SAT, and with the results, you will receive information on how to continue to prepare for the SAT based on your student’s scores. If you would like for your son or daughter to take the PSAT 8/9, please have him or her come by the counselor’s office to sign up by Oct 21. Please make checks payable to Mineola Middle School. Space is limited, so students should sign up soon. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Dudley at 903-569-5338.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
Reviewing integer operations with Clevertouch interactive board in Mrs. Overall’s 7th grade class.
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker
This is how we Sonic! Thank you Sonic for thinking of our staff as we begin our new school year!
almost 4 years ago, Donna Baker