About Us
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Mineola Independent School District has more than 1,600 students and encompasses approximately 90 square miles. Mineola schools demonstrate "Pride through Excellence" through successful academic, athletic, band, agricultural and theater programs. MISD is classified as a 3A District.
Mineola is a thriving community located at the intersections of highways 69, 80, and 37 in Northeast Texas. The population is 5,611. The city is proud of its heritage and values its warm, country atmosphere.
Mineola is a designated Main Street City and has a vibrant and active downtown. The community:
Has been voted #5 on the top ten list of Most Beautiful Historic Downtown areas in Texas
Home of The Select Theatre, the oldest continuously running movie theater in America.
The Mineola Nature Preserve is the largest city park per resident than any other park in America.
Home to 100-year-old Wisener Field, the oldest privately held airport in Texas
More information can be found at www.mineolachamber.org and www.mineola.com!

Mineola ISD: Committed to Your Children, Their Future, Our Legacy
Mineola Independent School District, in partnership with the community, is dedicated to developing lifelong learners and leaders prepared to contribute to a diverse and dynamic world.
Core Values
Respect - Empathy - Resilience - Integrity - Ambition
Learning is our core business.
Decisions will be made in the best interest of our children.
We will be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.
We will not allow government regulations to impede opportunities for our students’ education.
All students will benefit by attracting and retaining excellent staff.
All students will have the opportunity to develop their individual interests and abilities in a safe and innovative environment.
All students will grow through strong community partnerships.