Gold Theme Pep Rally on Friday!
Reminder: TJC Promise Signing for Class of 2027.
Good Luck Today!!!!
Volleyball and Football go 2-0 against Mt. Vernon!!! #MineolaTough #JacketPride
Ticket link for the varsity football game in Mt. Vernon.
Congratulations to these two seniors for being selected as our MHS September Students of the Month! #JacketPride
Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy kicked off today by participating in the One Million Books Giveaway. Leaders packed 5 different books into a bag over 120 times. Promoting servant leadership and literacy was a great way to start the year! #servantleaders
Mineola Cheerleaders would like to honor our First Responders this Friday, September 15th.
Mineola Cheerleaders would like to honor our First Responders this Friday, September 15th.
Mineola Cheerleaders would like to honor our First Responders this Friday, September 15th.
The 57th Annual Mineola Hay Show was a great success. Wood County hay producers, local businesses, community members, FFA sponsors, and MHS FFA members were able to come together to celebrate hay production in Wood County, the induction of former MHS Agriculture Teacher and FFA Sponsor Glen Dossett into the Ag Teacher Hall of Fame, and raise over $41,000 for MHS FFA student scholarships and MHS FFA special projects. We are blessed in Wood County!
JV Football Parents/Guardians: All of Bullard's tickets for all sports are online only. They do not take cash at the gate. You can purchase tickets at the gate on your own device with your debit/credit card if you want or you can purchase them ahead of time. Bullard's link is
A big shoutout to CHRISTUS Health and Region 7 for the donated health science supplies! The CTE team partnered with CHRISTUS Health and invited their Health Science CTE teachers to pick up products from their warehouse to use with their students! A special thank you to Region 7 ESC's Carrie Chandler and also Sister Michaela, Sarah McClean, Kathy Harmon and the staff for this blessing and being so welcoming and kind!
Congratulations to our Volleyball teams for big wins over Athens tonight! #JacketPride
Mineola FFA Stock Show still going strong! Started at 10:00 am this morning. It's been well organized but had a lot of participants from all over East Texas. Our Ag department knows how to put a good one together!
Mineola FFA is still working as they host the lamb and goat competition this afternoon/evening. Special thanks to everyone who is helping and supporting our Future Farmers of America. #FFA
Mineola FFA is working hard today. Many members are showing and many more are serving as we host our annual livestock show. Shoutout to our four awesome Ag teachers, FFA Booster Club, and all the volunteers helping make today a good day for kids! #ffa