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Personalized Learning

2024 SAT/ACT Schedules
Oct. 17 - SAT
Oct. 23 - PSAT 8/9 and PSAT/NMSQT
Teaching & Learning in Mineola ISD
Engineering Opportunities for Student Success

Testing Schedules
Please see each campus web page for more information specific to grade levels and tests.
Professional Development
Do you want to attend a conference or workshop out of district?
The state requires that we have certain documents on hand and that processes be in place when we pay for teachers and staff to attend out of district professional development.
Please click on this link to view and print the Conference/Workshop Attendance Checklist. This will help ensure you have all the necessary documentation so you can continue your own learning!
Most of the required documents can be found in Employee Resources where you can download, type, print, and submit to the Admin Office.