STOPit provides simple, fast, and powerful anonymous reporting via the STOPit Mobile App, Web & Hotline. Students have been provided training and access to the app. For more details, contact the school.

School starts at 8:00 a.m. and students will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Car riders will be picked up in the back and bus riders will pick up in the front of the school this year. All students will be dismissed at the same time.

Skyward's Family Access allows easy, open lines of communication between the school and home. Students and parents can login to view attendance, grades, schedules and calendars. Students can also perform their course selections online. Family Access is available anywhere with an internet connection.

Remind is a free text messaging app that helps teachers, students, and parents communicate quickly and efficiently. It is free to use for teachers, students, and parents. Standard text messaging and data rates may apply, so check to see if you’re on a per-text phone plan or a limited data plan. You can always log in to your account on the web.

Access your Student’s STAAR Scores
Scores for the STAAR administration are available online at Find your student’s unique access code by clicking “Find My Access Code”. You will need to enter your student’s legal first name only, their social security number, and date of birth. Then, enter your student’s unique access code and date of birth, then click “Login to Student Portal”.

The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. The dress code is not inclusive of every conceivable situation, and when questions arise regarding dress or grooming, the campus principal shall have the final responsibility of determining whether or not the conditions in question are in keeping with the intent of this dress code.

The Student Handbook is designed to align with board policy and the Student Code of Conduct, a board-adopted document intended to promote school safety and an atmosphere for learning. The Student Handbook is not meant to be a complete statement of all policies, procedures, or rules in any given circumstance. In case of conflicts between board policy (including the Student Code of Conduct) and any Student Handbook provision, the district will follow board policy and the Student Code of Conduct.

The Student Code of Conduct (“Code”) is the district’s response to the requirements of Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code. The Code provides methods and options for managing students in the classroom and on school grounds, disciplining students, and preventing and intervening in student discipline problems.

Common Sense Media (CSM) is a non-profit organization that "provides education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children. Common Sense Media has also developed a set of ratings that are intended to gauge the educational value of videos, games, and apps.