School Guardians exist for one purpose and that is to provide the students and faculties of MISD an armed, self-defense option prior to the arrival of outside Law Enforcement agencies in the event of an active shooter or "active killer" on campus.
•Guardians train and operate in conjunction w/MISD Police.
•Guardians are NOT School Marshalls and have NO Law Enforcement authority.
•Guardians are NOT security guards, do not wear uniforms, and perform normal everyday roles on campus.
• Guardians are ALL Volunteers.
•The ONLY responsibility of a Guardian is to respond to an active killer event, help MISD PD Stop the Killing, Stop the Dying, and get any injured to higher medical care while providing the ability to have armed security at the scene until Law Enforcement partners can take their place.

(a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses or goes with a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon listed in Section 46.05(a):
(1) on the physical premises of a school or educational institution, any grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution is being conducted, or a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or educational institution, whether the school or educational institution is public or private, unless:
(A) pursuant to written regulations or written authorization of the institution
18 U.S. CODE § 922(q)(2)(B)(v)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.
(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—
(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual

All candidates who wish to take part in the MISD School Guardian program must complete multiple administrative steps and initial training prior to being considered for activation as a School Guardian.
Pre- Screening
All MISD Guardian Candidates MUST provide:
• Completed Written Application
• Verbal interview with program director & Chief of Police
• Personal History Statement (full criminal disclosure)
• Subject to drug screening (illegal substance free)
• Two forms of current and valid issued Personal Identification
• Approved Psychological Evaluation
• Current License to Carry (LTC) or enrolled in an LTC course
• Signed Non-Disclosure Agreement
• Signed Acknowledgement of Policies and Procedures

Initial Training & Selection
All Candidates must complete the MISD PD Guardian Course – Texas DPS School Safety Certification (24 hours)
• 90% proficiency Marksmanship pre-test
• 90% Written Exam pre-test
• 8 classroom hours to include written and firearms pre-qual
• 8 hours of live Firearms Training on the range
• 8 hours simulation training with live roll players in Force-on-Force scenarios
• 90% Marksmanship Qualification
• 90% Final Examination
• School Board unanimous vote approval

Once a Mineola ISD School Guardian has been activated they are required to uphold an established set of standards to ensure their skillsets as School Guardians remain proficient. We believe that frequent and consistent training in all areas involving a School Guardians response capabilities is paramount to ensuring their individual dedication to the safety of our District is held to it's highest potential!
General Duty Requirements
Quarterly Qualification @ 90%
A 50 round handgun qualification course is conducted each quarter of the year, and all program members are required to maintain a 90% or higher proficiency rate on the qualification course of fire.
If a program member does not qualify, they are placed on an inactive status and assigned remedial training for a minimum of 3 months (one 1/4) until their proficiency level has returned to the established standard.
Bi-Annual Skill Evaluation Training (S.E.T - full day)
Each program member is required to attend a full day of Skills Evaluation Training (S.E.T.) within each half of the year (winter / summer) to remain on active status. These trainings include the development of skills such as, but not limited to: Tactical / Trauma Medicine, CPR certification, Radio Communications with first responders, Advanced marksmanship skills training (protective handgun tactics, personal protection w/handgun,) and require Scenario based force-on-force training with live-action roll players and Sim-Munitions.
School Guardian Program Members are subjected to monthly "blind" inspections. During the inspection, each program member is required to display all issued and required identification badges, high visibility marked garments, proper duty ammunition, approved method of carry (Israeli, no round in chamber) firearm cleanliness, firearm function, any first aid / medical equipment, & communications equipment (for readiness and functionality.) These inspections are performed without prior notice to the Guardian.
Program Members are required to spend 4 hours on the range with their firearms instructor firing no less than 250 live rounds under supervised and documented training. These training days consist small groups of Guardians within their assigned teams and are designed to develop marksmanship skills and abilities at a specific and targeted pace with the goal of increasing their proficiency each month.
In alternating months with range training, Program Members spend 4 hours minimum in a simulated real world environment developing skills within the tactical response realm and working on increasing proficiency within their role responding to an active killer event.
Program Members will train a minimum of 4 hours with a qualified instructor lead every month of the year (calendar, not school) to ensure proficiency levels are continuously increasing.

All Program members are required to remain in good standing with the MISDPD as well as the school district administration.

The Only Easy Day....
Mineola ISD School Guardians are all subject to ongoing observation and assessment from the program director, School Board, Mineola ISD Police Department, and District administrators. If a Guardian is found to be in violation of any of the programs associated requirements or falls out of good standing with MISDPD or the School District, the Guardian is taken offline until their case is reviewed and they are either placed back on active status, issued remedial training orders, or removed from the program.
Guardians are all subject to removal from the program at any time by the appointed program Director, or School Board.

TxSSC Learning LAB Podcast Highlights the MISD Guardian Program